Name Size
Parent Directory -
The Ballad of Zack McCune-part1.mp4 9.6M
The Ballad of Zack McCune-part2.mp4 20M 188M
2012-05-02_YAM_McormickWebinarweb.mp4 90M
borndigital-activists.mp4 19M
borndigital-agressors.mp4 5.8M
borndigital-Creators.mp4 17M
borndigital-Identities.mp4 7.5M
borndigital-infoquality.mp4 20M
borndigital-Innovators.mp4 7.9M
borndigital-Learners.mp4 7.1M
borndigital-Overload.mp4 9.4M
borndigital-privacy.mp4 11M
borndigital-Safety.mp4 74M
DML Hub Working Group_Workshop October 2010_Nishant Shah.m4v.mp4 4.1M
DML Hub Working Group_Workshop October 2010_Priscillia Kounkou Hoveyda.m4v.mp4 6.3M
Fair Use.mp4 14M
LearningHow2Type.mp4 16M
McCormick Webinar on _Youth and Information Quality Online_.mp4 140M
Rey Junco on Twitter in the College Classroom.mp4 154M
Youth and Media %26 Tech Girls Exchange- Introducing Ms. Fix It.mp4 8.1M
Youth and Media %26 Tech Girls Exchange- Introducing Queen of Her Own World.mp4 6.5M
Youth and Media %26 Tech Girls Exchange- Introducing The Uplifting Avatar.mp4 12M
Youth and Media %26 Tech Girls- Introducing A Tale of Tolerance.mp4 3.1M
Youth and Media - Information Quality Workshop 2012.mp4 16M
Youth and Media - Inspired To Create.mp4 10M
Youth and Media - Interview with Claire McCarthy about _Information Quality_.mp4 16M
Youth and Media - Part 1 - Parents%2C Teens%2C and Online Privacy.mp4 41M
Youth and Media - Part 2 - Parents%2C Teens%2C and Online Privacy.mp4 55M
Youth and Media - Tech Girls- Introducing %40STEMLOVER.mp4 15M
Youth and Media - Tech Girls- Introducing Geek and Chic.mp4 6.4M
Youth and Media - Workshop at LAMPcamp.mp4 16M
Youth and Media - Youth %26 Open Educational Resources.mp4 14M
Youth and Media - Youth and Media Team visits Press Pass TV.mp4 9.9M
youth-wikipedia.mp4 15M